Monday, August 16, 2010

We Have A LID

We have a LID (Log in Date). Our LID is officially July 27. It is the official date that our paperwork was logged into China.

What next? .

The next part of our journey is exciting. We are at the point that all our paperwork is done and logged in and so we are ready for a referral.

What is a referral?

Every 30 - 45 days China releases a group of Children to be adopted. Our agency will watch for a little boy during the release that matches the age, gender and special needs we are willing to take. We then will be called with our referral. We will have about 24-36 hours to pray, pray pray. We will also contact doctors to look over his file and then will make a decision about accepting his referral.

I feel like we are on the edge of something I just can't even comprehend. We are waiting with anticipation, excitement and a little nervousness as the reality of seeing the face of a little boy that could be our son is in arms reach. Again we are trusting in his timing and his perfect plan but VERY anxious with anticipation.


MusicalMommy said...

I love it. "I feel we are on the edge of something I just can't comprehend." then a day after this post the phone rings! Ha! Love God's timing.:)

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